Monday, August 11, 2008

8 Things - In Honor Of The 2008 Olympics

Today I learned:

1. That if I want to watch the Olympics, I should watch on channel 4, not channel 99. It took me a while to figure that out, sadly. I couldn't understand why NBC (on 99) kept showing the same interviews with athletes over and over but no actual competitions! Heh.

2. How to defrost the inside of my dad's car

3. I drove in the rain!

4. That I apparently need to watch the Rocky movies to toughen up

5. That the smileys don't turn or animate at all on google talk (sadly)

6. That there's a huge difference between an Olympic sport and a normal sports game (too tired to elaborate on that)

7. That the Seal of Truth youtube is VERY CREEPY and disturbing and that curiosity in times like that (to keep on watching) can prove more harmful than rewarding (I ended up not wanting to have seen everything I saw)

8. That if you think hard enough, you can always find something you learned each day. I know, because I was all ready to write, "I did not learn anything new today" and here I am with 8 things on my list. So ha.



Freeda said...

5. That the smileys don't turn or animate at all on google talk (sadly)
I'm assuming you mean when you're chatting from gmail- but they do turn AND are animated- maybe there's something wrong w/your comp.

Bas~Melech said...

I think Google Talk is something different. But I kind of thought it works the same way. I don't really get the point when you can just chat within email.

Freeda said...

Ahh, you are right. I'm talking about google chat. And chat w/in email just isn't fast enough. I mean, c'mon- you have to wait prob. 20 seconds longer!!