Sunday, August 3, 2008

Something New

Today I was asked, "do you have days where you don't learn anything new?" Immediately, I responded, "yes."

I have had this empty blog for a few months already and wasn't able to find a use for it - until now. There is something utterly tragic about responding, "yes," to the above question. I wonder, if I thought hard enough, if I really couldn't have found something new that I learned every day of my life? After all, why else have we been created? To learn, to grow, to achieve, to succeed in both yahadut and in the world as a whole, right? And so we must make sure to learn at least one new thing every day - even something completely simple (who said life had to be deep and complex all the time? Sometimes simplicity teaches the best lessons, anyway). How else are we actively engaging in this world that was created for us by God? I am certain we are not meant to be passive residents in an earthly resort.

"Each day is a gift, that's why they call it the present" - isn't that how the saying goes? I know, I know, it's cheesy, it's corny, and it's every other person's quote in your high school yearbook. But still - that doesn't make the concept behind it any less true. Our lives are a gift. It's a gift that we exist to partake in what this world has to offer. What better way to live our lives than by paying attention to what we gain from each day that we're here?

So that's what this blog is going to be about. What I learn each and every day I'm alive (and keeping up with the blog). Because I think that is crucial to being an active member of the human race. Otherwise, I might as well be a vegetable.

And that is what I have learned today.