Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Wild West

Today I learned:

1. I live in the Wild West. For real.

2. Some girls really are crazy. A family friend dated a girl who was so insane over being careful about every little thing she did, she would do things like...not move her left foot before her right or something weird like that, and she wouldn't move things in certain directions...I don't even know. But a big rav in Williamsburg was the one to finally tell her to just relax. Yeesh!

3. The Weiss family has a blog (but I'm not sure how public they want it to be which is why I didn't link to it on my main blog. I don't think very many people actually read this one). But for anyone who does want to read it, they have a really interesting story and I think the blog will be really worth reading.

4. I'm seem to be the teen drama mediator in my family.