Monday, August 4, 2008

Murphy's Law Revisited

Today I learned a few things.

1. However bad you think things are, they can always get worse. And the more you complain, the more likely it is that they will get worse. And the more worse they get, they can always get even worse, still. So it's important to put things into perspective. You may not like the way something turned out, but you'd be even more upset if it turned out even more horribly. And if it does end up progressing to that level of horrible-ness, you'll wish it had stayed the other way.

The grass is always greener on the other side, essentially. Even if that other side's grass used to be brown. So instead of looking where it seems greener somewhere else, try to find the green in your own grass. Because if you ever get moved to grass on the wrong side, you'll look back at what used to be your grass and notice the green when it's too late.

2. When all else seems to be going wrong, if you've still got your friends, you've got something. Friendship is one of the best things in the world to have - even more important than having a fun job. :)

3. I have a lot more maturing to do than I thought I did.